Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Photo 3

During the students Workplace-based learning (APL) in the subject Health and social care I met a student who gave an old lady her pills. 


  1. Your students must be studying 'aged care'. We have a lot of courses in our Technical and Further Education Colleges where students also study aged care and they do work placements like your student in the photo. How much time do they spend on workplacement?

  2. It depends on wich course they study. In the first of three years they do their APL or spend time i workpacement for 4 weeks, mostly in nursinghome.

  3. Our students do placements as well. How do you assess them on their workplacements?

  4. In my school they had like a list "to do". Brushing teeth, make a bed correct, understand a nutritionlist, take bloodpresure/pulse and temp, prevent complications...... Do you use list like that in your school?

    1. Weused them at te university when I studied to become a nurse but I haven't seen them at work maybe we should create a new one or copy yours Anna!

  5. In Australia we have Training Packages that set out the skills that our stduents need to learn. When they are in the workplace they muct be supervised and assessed using the 'list' from the Training Package.
    Donna might be able to give us more information on this topic


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