Monday, April 16, 2012

Jenniann, photo 2

This is me teaching a class of adults. This group comes to school one day a week and can therefore combine their studies with work. They study anatomy (as seen), physiology,  massage techniques, ergonomics, laws and rules for massage therapy and how to run a company of their own.


  1. It is great to see photo of you and your students in the classroom. In Australia we have programs like this and many of them are run by our Adult and Community Colleges. Do you find adults easy to teach? I do and they are great fun.Do they want to start companies of their own? In Hairdressing we have special courses for students who might want to start a salon of their own and they need some business information and learning. Does this happen in your school?

  2. Yes, I find them both easy and fun to teach! I am privilegied to teach both youths of 16-17 years of age and adults. The younger student more often have a study capacity which they have achieved at school, this can make the learning easier compared to a 40-year-old who hasn't set foot in school for many years... But apart from that the adults students often have a greater motivation. Some of them are mid-life and have found out that they want to do something else in their life, and many of them want to start a company or a side-business just as you suggest. This is also part of the course!

  3. Jennian I have taught both young people and adults and both groups are wonderful and different. People who have not set foot in a school for quite a long time and then come back to study sometimes find it hard at first and sometimes lack confidence. Part of my job has been to make the adults feel easy and happy. They have so much experience that they can give to the class and so much experience to build their learning on.Adult learners certainly are clear about why they are in class and this makes everything so much easier. How do you motivate your 16 and 17 year old students?

  4. I think I have an easier job there than many of the other teachers because the students have often chosen this programme because they have an interest in my subjects - massage, medicine and the spa related business. I think one notices the difference in life experience most clearly when the students have discussions,just as you say, a class of adults contains so many different experiences that I can use for the learning!


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