Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photo 7

Study visits at the Medical History Museum in Gothenburg. This in an old dentist chair.  "I wonder if the patience got dental anesthetic."


  1. Oh goodness . The technology has certainly improved rapidly. I have to go to the dentist on Tuesday and I hope his equipment is better than this. Did your students enjoy the visit?

  2. The students enjoyed the visit very much. I wish I had taken more pictures! If you visit Gothenburg again, let your swedish colleagues tale you on a guided toure.


    The wagon on the the picture on the homepage was used as an ambulance.

  3. Goodness me Anna it must have been a bit of a rough ride. I am always surprised how far care and nursing and medicine has come in such a relatively short period of time. Do you think this?

  4. That's a good idea for a visit with the students, thank you!!


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