Friday, April 13, 2012

Barn- och Fritids programmet, Child and recreation program Photo 2

In this series of photos you see the different hallways in Agneberg. You can clearly see the different between newer and older building. The school building is situated in several wings on different levels and is for a new teacher like myself a bit confusing to navigate.

All the students have their own locker for books and personal belongings. It is often situated near the classrooms designated to the class. Each class usually have a few main classrooms depending on subjects. Different programs are usually housed in separate wings with the teachers workroom nearby. The top right picture is a corridor on the top floor, it has a view of the library and as you might suspect the little colored papers stuck on the wall is the 3´d year students countdown to graduation.


  1. These photos give a very good picture of the learning spaces that your students use.Some of our Technical and Vocational education Colleges are difficult to navigate as well and they are spread out so you get lost quite easily.
    Do most of your students finish their programs after three years?

  2. Yes alla VET studens and all secondary education is trhee year programs. Although it is mors common the VET students change their main subject to another VET program. Sometimes this means that it akes these students three years or more to get a degree.

  3. Why do students change their programs?

  4. It have been a lot a of discussion in the media in Sweden about the community high school and the private high school. The private has got a lot of negative feedback in the media and the main reason is money! I think Agneberg is a community one. Do you know if it is standarddifferences between the schools Jeanette? How is it in Austarlia Ros?

  5. In Australia we have a mixture of public and private schools and some of the private schools charge very high fees. It is the same in VET. We have Technical and Vocational Colleges that are public and then a lot of private providers. Private providers generally teach only one or two courses and some specialise only in on area. For example in hairdressing we have some big private Colleges thaqt charge high fees. This is also the case in cooking .

  6. Martina: as I only is a sub teacher i do not know about the standard difference. I have never worked in another school in the area.
    Ros: I belive the main reason for changing programs is that many student donät really know what the program contains. It has a reputation of beeing a "easy" program. And that is not the case, it has as high standards as all of the programs. I belive it has to do with the misconception thet the program is regarding children and leisure.


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